Saturday, June 16, 2012

Grin Affair

Grin affair is a cosy little cafe hidden in a quiet corner of Everton Park. You would never have imagined that a cafe is secretly functioning in this seemingly out-of-place location - an old HDB estate. When walking at the dark void deck with low ceiling, you feel like you are in another part of Singapore, especially when my generation has been surrounded by mostly shopping malls and renovated HDB flats. But nevertheless, I love this idea of mismatch concept. 

I got to know about this cafe after looking at some food bloggers' reviews. And you know what, 
I was mesmerized by those photos of cake in a jar, beautifully decorated. I fell in love with them almost instantly. In my head, thinking only of making a trip there as soon as possible, I dragged my friend down with me, forgotten the facts that she doesn't eat cake. 

The drinks menu hand-drawn by the owner giving a personal touch

Drinks - Passion fruit and mango cubes ($2.80), Grapefruit with lychee

Durian ($5.50)

All the flavours just sounded so good that I didn't know what to choose from but in the end I chose my all-time-favourite durian.  It did not disappoint me. The cake was really soft and the experience of eating in a jar make it special. Well, it was just heavenly delicious.

Another special thing about this cafe is the recycling of the jars. For every jar you bought for takeaway, it comes with a ticket. And during your next visit, when you return these jars, you get another ticket for it. Collect 20 tickets and in return you will get a jar of cranberry!

In the end, my friend who only got herself the Grapefruit drink bought some jars of cakes for takeaway too, for her family. Tell me, which girl could resist such lovely sweet treats?

Jody is the owner of Grin Affair, she is a very friendly young lady. We had a little chat with her and found out that she actually gave up pursuing her degree in law and took up a few jobs here and there in order to open this, which I believed, is her dream cafe. I really admire her courage and of course, her innovativeness.

Check out Grin Affair's facebook status updates if you do not wish to make a wasted trip, these lovely jars are selling out fast almost everyday. Or you can simply text the owner to make a reservation of the jars!

3 Everton Park #01-77A
Singapore 080003

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